
Tasty Vegetable Soup Recipe


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Vegetable Soup Recipe

Use up your veggies with this delicious vegetable soup recipe!

This vegetable soup recipe is great because you can use any veggies left in your fridge. We all know less food waste is better for the planet and your bank account than not using the food in your fridge!

This vegetable soup recipe is perfect to have on hand as it makes for excellent comfort food and is an ideal supper for when you’re feeling under the weather.

The great thing about vegetable soup is that it helps you get the health benefits from various vegetables. A large study on microbiomes found how important it is to consume multiple types of fruit and vegetables.

In the study, researchers found that the number of plant types in your diet significantly affects the diversity of your gut microbiome, i.e. the number of different bacteria living there.

They discovered that those who ate more than 30 different fruit or vegetable types per week had gut microbiomes that were more diverse than those who ate ten or fewer types of plants per week.

More diverse microbiomes have positive effects on physical and mental health. Make this soup a couple of times a week, and vary the vegetables you use for improved health and well-being!

Could you eat 30 different plant types per week? If it feels impossible, aim for as many as you can get! The more variety, the better!

Stay happy and healthy dear ones!

p.s. If you like soup, try my Vegan Creamy Mushroom Soup Recipe here!

p.s.s. You can find the microbiome study if you’re interested in reading it here.


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