How to Stop Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks

– The Best Ways to Stop Anxiety and Anxiety Attacks in your Life –
It’s easy to feel anxious during these uncertain times. Keeping your anxiety in check is crucial to your overall happiness. Here’s how to stop anxiety and anxiety attacks from taking over your life and interfering with your health & wellness.
1. Ditching the 24-Hour News Feed can Prevent Anxiety
In our modern-day society, we are constantly bombarded with unnatural amounts of stimuli. This sends our anxiety into overdrive. One way to calm your nervous system is to reduce the volume of information, negative or otherwise, that you allow into your consciousness.
2. Watch your Fear Response
Do your best to reframe adverse events or experiences. See them not as threats, but instead, as challenges. This will make way for more feelings of peace in your life and a lot less anxiety.
3. Getting out of Your Head can Bring Serenity
Don’t overthink, be self-absorbed, or compare yourself to others. When we do this, we rob ourselves of peace and serenity.
4. Have Faith in Yourself
Have faith in yourself, and be a calm, confident person. If confidence is something you need to work on, I encourage you to get in touch for private life coaching and together, we can devise a clear strategy for helping you find your confidence.
5. Don’t Avoid Life Challenges
Lean into it rather than avoiding life challenges. Rather than struggling to get away from stresses, view challenges as a way to get better. Your infinite potential is outside of your comfort zone, so anytime you feel the desire to retreat from what scares you, lean into it. This will enable you to get all the benefits and growth that comes from meeting this challenge. Have trust in yourself that you can do it. Respond with confidence in everything that life throws at you.
Move from feeling threatened and overwhelmed to thinking; I’ve got this, rub your hands together and be thankful for the challenge.
6. Get Clear on What You’re Doing
Seneca, the Stoic Philosopher, believed that we could only reach a peaceful state when we know who we are and what we are here to do. If you are missing this feeling, getting clear on those things will boost your levels of peace. When you are clear on this, your anxiety levels will drop, and you will have a clear focus in life.
7. Turn on your Radar for the Good Things in Your Life
Anxious people look for what is going wrong or what could go wrong. They spend all their time attached to the outcome rather than the beauty of the journey. Happy people look for good things and, surprise surprise, find way more of them. When we aren’t attached to outcomes that we can’t control, we can live mindfully, be present and feel at peace.
8. Increase your Good Habits
Identify what habits you have that make you feel good about yourself and less anxious. How can you do more of these things? What are the things that you do that make you feel bad about yourself? Engaging in harmful habits, such as comparing yourself to others, will increase your anxiety, so how can you stop engaging in your own personal kryptonite?
9. Improve your Your Eating, Sleeping and Fitness
Excessive and unrelenting anxiety can often signify that you are not where you need to be in these important life areas. For example:
- Eating fermented food reduces the excitability of your brain cells. Aim to reduce/eliminate sugar, which creates inflammation in your body and brain, leading to increased anxiety levels.
- Exercise and movement are crucial to managing our anxiety, it releases feel-good hormones and grounds us to better deal with the stress in our lives, and it gets us out of our mind and into our body.
- Getting enough sleep is very important for managing anxiety. Turn your electronics off an hour before bed should help you fall asleep faster and give your brain a pause from the bombardment of constant stimuli.
10. Practice Mindful Breathing
Proper breathing is crucial to both preventing and dealing with anxiety. Most of us have lost our ability to breathe mindfully, and we shallow breath through our chest rather than through our diaphragm or belly.
“Your breathing should flow gracefully, like a river, like a watersnake crossing the water, and not like a chain of rugged mountains or the gallop of a horse. To master our breath is to be in control of our bodies and minds. Each time we find ourselves dispersed and find it difficult to gain control of ourselves by different means, the method of watching the breath should always be used.”
-Zen Master, Thich Nhat Hahn
Breath deeply into our nose, down into our abdomen, slowly, rhythmically and quietly. Breathing easily, gracefully and slowly is a great way to stop anxiety and prevent anxiety attacks.
11. Getting out of Your Head Lessens Anxiety
Overthinking causes anxiety. Exit your mind and reduce self-absorption and ruminating on questions. Instead, productively review issues and engage in life.
When we find ourselves overthinking, we can use a mantra such as “I am present” to remind us to be fully engaged at the moment. In this way, you gain control over your mind. Think less and concentrate on only allowing helpful thoughts, calling out the negative ones for what they are. Untrue and unhelpful and only the result of our inherent negativity bias.
12. Take a Digital Detox to Prevent Anxiety
Take a break from social media, drop social comparisons and focus on what you’re doing, not what others are doing. Be focused and engaged in what you’re doing rather than what others are.
In Conclusion:
Using the above methods, we can all learn to conquer our anxiety and instead live with peace and serenity. If you enjoyed this article you will love my blog post How to Feel Peaceful.
p.s. If you are struggling in any area of your life, I would be happy to help you breakthrough what is holding you back. Contact me about my coaching packages via
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