
How to do Ustrasana in Just a Few Easy Steps


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I'm a certified life coach and PT. I teach people how to be happy and healthy!


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Camel Pose, Ustrasana demonstration

Camel can be great for spinal disc health and posture. However, be sure to warm up first and take care with the position of your neck.

Camel Pose, or Ustrasana in Sanskrit, is a deep backbend that stretches the front of the body while strengthening the back muscles. It’s often practised in yoga to improve posture and flexibility and open the heart and chest.

How to Perform Camel Pose (Ustrasana):

🩷 Start in a Kneeling Position:

    • Kneel on the mat with your knees hip-width apart.
    • Keep your thighs perpendicular to the floor, with your shins and tops of your feet pressing down into the mat.

❀️ Engage Your Core:

    • Place your hands on your lower back, fingers pointing down for support.
    • Engage your core muscles to prevent any strain on your lower back.

πŸ’™ Lift Your Chest:

    • Inhale and lift your chest towards the ceiling while stabilising your lower back.
    • Begin to gently arch your back, lifting your heart upward.

πŸ’š Reach for your Heels:

    • Once you’re comfortable, bring one hand at a time back to your heels.
    • You can keep your hands on your lower back if you cannot reach your heels.
    • Keep your hips stacked over your knees and avoid letting them shift back.

πŸ’œ Relax your Head:

    • Allow your head to drop back gently if it feels comfortable, or keep your neck in a neutral position to avoid strain. This is crucial, as dropping your head too far back increases the risk of vertebral artery damage and stroke.

πŸ’› Hold the Pose:

    • Stay in the pose for a few breaths (count for 20–30 seconds) while lifting your chest and pressing your hips forward.

🩡 Come out of the Pose Slowly:

    • To release, bring your hands back to your lower back, one at a time.
    • Lift your torso upright, leading with your chest.

πŸ‘‰ Benefits:

Camel Pose stretches the entire front body (chest, abdomen, and quadriceps). It opens the shoulders and chest, improving breathing capacity. It strengthens the muscles in the back, improves spinal flexibility and enhances posture by counteracting slouching.

⚠️ Precautions:

Avoid this pose if you have severe back, neck, or shoulder issues. It’s essential to warm up the spine and shoulders before attempting this deep backend.

Please be advised that there have been rare reports of injury in cervical hyperextension, including joint damage, impaired blood flow and stroke. The risk is increased for the lderly, though more women in their 20s-40s are having strokes. Risk factors include prolonged use of birth control, migranes, pregnancy and smoking.

Tips to Deepen or Modify Camel Pose (Ustrasana) for Various Levels to Ensuring Safety and Comfort:

🧘 Modifications for Beginners:

  1. Support with Blocks:
    • Place blocks on either side of your feet if reaching your heels is challenging. You can place your hands on the blocks to avoid straining your back.
  2. Keep Hands on Lower Back:
    • Instead of reaching for your heels, keep your hands on your lower back to support the spine and ensure proper alignment. This also helps prevent collapsing into the lower back.
  3. Tuck Toes Under:
    • Tuck your toes under so your heels are higher. This makes it easier to reach your heels without overextending.
  4. Engage Your Core:
    • Focus on engaging your core muscles to avoid compressing your lower back. This will help maintain stability and control as you arch back.
  5. Don’t Drop the Head:
    • Keep your neck in a neutral position rather than dropping your head all the way back. This prevents strain on the neck, especially for beginners.

πŸ§˜β€β™€οΈTips to Deepen the Pose for Advanced Practitioners:

  1. Press Hips Forward:
    • To intensify the stretch, press your hips forward as you reach for your heels. This creates a deeper backbend and more fully opens the front of the body.
  2. Open the Chest More:
    • Focus on lifting and expanding your chest upward rather than simply arching backwards. Imagine you’re trying to lift your sternum towards the sky, deepening the pose’s heart-opening aspect.
  3. Use Your Thighs:
    • Engage the muscles of your thighs to stabilise your lower body. This will protect your lower back and allow you to deepen the pose safely.
  4. Work on Flexibility:
    • Gradually work on flexibility in your chest, shoulders, and hip flexors to deepen the pose over time. Poses like Cobra, Bow, or Bridge can help prepare your body for deeper backbends.
  5. Hold the Pose Longer:
    • As you get more comfortable, you can gradually increase the time you hold the pose. This allows for a deeper stretch and more time to focus on breathing.

πŸ™‚ Counterposes After Camel Pose:

Since Camel Pose is a deep backbend, following it with poses that neutralise the spine is essential. Here are a few counterposes:

  • Child’s Pose (Balasana): This pose gently stretches the lower back and helps to release any tension after the backbend.
  • Seated Forward Fold (Paschimottanasana): Lengthens the spine and calms the nervous system.
  • Cat-Cow Stretches (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana): Helps to realign the spine with gentle flexion and extension movements.

For more health and well-being tips, don’t forget to subscribe to my free newsletter!

Wishing you peace, love and happiness! πŸ’Œ

Namaste Rensters! πŸ™

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